Mothers* Rebellion is a movement of mothers, caregivers and allies in a growing global community on six continents. We will not give up the fight for a sustainable present and future for the current and coming generations. We want to be able to look our children into the eyes and say that we truly do all that we can. We turn our grief and frustration over the lack of a powerful, transformative response from our politicians and leaders into action. We want:

  • To show that every individual can make an impact by joining together in collective action
  • To increase awareness of the climate crisis in society and prompt politicians to act accordingly
  • To act in solidarity with people in the world who are already suffering from the effects of climate change.

The movement is tied to Extinction Rebellion and stands behind the Extinction Rebellion demands of
declaring a state of climate emergency, acting now, using citizens' assemblies and following principles of
climate justice. We may also have specific demands connected to specific protests.

The idea for Mothers* Rebellion originates from California, USA. Simultaneously a movement of mothers, who held their first sit-down circle protest in August, 2022, had already started to grow in Sweden. The movement grew with several protests in 20 different Swedish towns and cities. In the fall of 2022 demonstrations also took place in Germany and the United States. 

In the winter of 2023, women in Zambia, Sweden, The United States, Uganda and Germany got together and started planning a joint event. On the 13th of May, 2023, a coordinated protest was held in 21 countries on six continents. This was the first global Mothers* Rebellion. Since then, global protests have been held in September and November of 2023, March of 2024 and most recently our fifth global protest marking Africa Day in May, 2024. Every protest has seen an increase in countries and cities participating and more women and allies joining the Mothers* Rebellion network. See photos from previous protests here. Engaging with M*R is best done by contacting your local group. If you want to parttake in planning, strategy, outreach and communication, we have Signal groups for this purpose where you can join.


About the episode:

Sara Nilson Lööv is a clinical psychologist, climate activist, and mother. In the summer of 2022, she was instrumental in creatingMOTHERS* REBELLION in Sweden. Hear her speak about the origins of the movement and its methods, including "The Circle".

Listen on Spotify

Listen on The Eco Enthusiast


The method we use in our protests is simple. It is a circle of mothers* sitting down together in a public space, for example in a pedestrian street, a public park or outside a government building. We sit peacefully facing the passers-by. Through music, silence and testimonies of why we are part of Mothers* Rebellion we help ourselves and others to connect with our climate emotions. We often hold signs with the names of our children or other messages related to the climate crisis. We believe that connecting to both our fear, sorrow, anger, and love for our children can give us the power we need to collectivly face the climate crisis and bring about the change that is needed. With our circles we convey that we refuse to look away, that we refuse to give up and that we will do everything we can for the lives and future of our children.


During COP28 the social media platform We don't have time hosted The Climate Hub live broadcast, covering a wide variety of climate related topics with different experts and leaders. Watch Mothers* Rebellion's Sara Nilsson Lööv inspiring talk about the aim of the M*R movement and possible positive tipping points for climate action.