Registration #MothersRebellion #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
Registration #MothersRebellion #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
This is the registration page for MothersRebellion (MR) using the FridaysForFuture Map technology (FFF). If you are organizing an event (Mothers Rebellion circle, strike, demonstration, Scientist Rebellion Alternative COP ...) in support for the Climate movement, and you would like the world to know about it, you have come to the right place.

The registration has three sections:
1. This first section is about us (MR) being able to reach you (Try using a 'protonmail' for security.)
2. The second section (optional) is about you as a spokesperson, and media being able to reach you
3. The third section is about the event you are registering

Thank you for your work!
Please join the Fridays for Future Map Count team on the slack by signing Vision Proposal,

GameChanger is an easy way to record your event

Use this Manual to answer most questions.

Section One: Tell us (MR) about yourself. Byt konto
E-post *
Your name *
Registration Consent *
Section Two: Are you a spokesperson?
How much interaction with the rest of the world would you like to have. If you do not wish to be a spokesperson, only MR will contact you. If you volunteer to be a media spokesperson, we may give your contact details to media representatives. if you volunteer to be a public organizer, your contact details may be shared on the internet etc. This is often useful to fellow event participants, but may also give unwanted calls or correspondence.
Spokesperson Consent *
Organization that you represent (optional)
Phone number in international format (optional)
Notes (optional)
Section three: About the Event
Tell the world about the event. We will the publish the information in this section on the web, in maps, on social and reporters from traditional media.

Event Type *
Country *
Town *
Address *
Link to event (URL), e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, web
Link to your Demands/Successes (URL)
Frequency (Weekly events need to be re-registered at least every 3 months) *
Date *
Time (Start) *
Number of people (expected)
Event Consent *
Thank you for joining the MothersRebellion movement.
Need to change something?
Please join the Fridays for Future Map Record Work Group on the slack by signing Vision Proposal,

Please find and join us:
twitter: @FFFMapRecord
instagram: FFFMapCount

We will add your strike to the Map and Lists within 48 hours.

Thank you for your work and patience,
Fridays For Future Map team 
Version with Demands
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